School Nurse

Find elementary school annual health screening and immunization requirements, district policies, health forms, and additional information through the district’s Health Services Department.

A few notes from my office.


For parents of students in 3rd grade, please note I will need an updated physical this year for your child to be cleared to start 4th grade. The physical needs to be dated on or after June 1 of 2023 (not 2024). If you are unsure if I have an updated physical, please email me.  The physical can be sent in your child's backpack, faxed 860-667-5847, dropped off at the school, or preferably emailed to me at [email protected].


For parents/guardians of preschoolers, please note the state requires all preschoolers to have a flu vaccine between Aug 1 and Dec 31.  Please forward the documentation to me after the vaccine is done. If I do not have it by Dec 31, your child will not be able to return to school after the winter break.


Please be sure your child has the following for the entire school year:


  • a healthy, nut free snack every day
  •  an extra set of weather-appropriate clothing 
  •  a water bottle every day

Sick Policy    

  • Fever: May return when temperature remains under 100.0° for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of medication such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.
  • Vomiting: May return 24 hours after vomiting has ceased without any dietary restriction.
  • Diarrhea: May return 24 hours after last loose bowel movement without any dietary restriction.
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”): May return 24 hours after the first dose of medication, when the eye returns to normal, or until cleared by MD to return.
  • Undiagnosed rash: May return after rash is determined to be non-contagious by a doctor or if the rash disappears.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  


Be well,


Caryn Rhouddou, RN

P 860-666-4687 x1

F 860-667-5847

[email protected]


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